About the Course…
This course is intended for everyone and is an easy entry point for non-believers. We have attempted to take complex subjects and make them easy to understand. The course summarizes information about the three major worldviews (Theism, Pantheism, Atheism) and compares them. We also discuss that one of these three worldviews is correct and two are not since they contradict each other on several points. We then evaluate them all against the basic tests for truth in a non-biased manner. It becomes obvious throughout the course that Theism, or belief in a personal God, actually meets the tests for truth in the most comprehensive and holistic way. In this course, we avoid getting into too many details about Christianity and simply point to a personal God, which is a major step towards the Truth for anyone.
Session 1: What is a Worldview?
Session 2: Can all Worldviews be true?
Session 3: How do we explain human life?
Session 4: How do we explain the universe?
Session 5: What about evil and suffering?
Session 6: What is your Worldview?