About the Course…

It is our hope that people can first come to the conclusion that it is reasonable to believe in a personal God through The Worldviews Course.  With that firmly established, and with people choosing that belief, we can then address the apologetics of faith in Jesus Christ.  We try to answer the major questions and objections to Christianity, so that non-believers would consider putting their faith in Christ.  We will also show that belief in traditional or orthodox Christianity is the only thing that makes total sense. You cannot ‘pick and choose from different worldviews’ and create what you want to believe.  Christianity is a complete package that only makes sense and only works logically when you keep it all together.  At the end of this course, it is a natural option to experience the Christian faith by joining a Discipleship Group and Worship Services.  Some may take more time before they choose Christ as their Savior.


Session 1: God’s Big Story

Session 2: 4 Bad Words

Session 3: The Bible - God’s Word

Session 4: The Angry, Mean God

Session 5: The Uniqueness of Jesus

Session 6: Christianity in the Real World